• Deadline: 15 January 2025, 11:59PM PST
  • Notification of Acceptance: 15 February 2025

Applicants who have had their abstract accepted, please click here for information on our poster guidelines.

We invite extended abstracts for contributed poster presentations and oral presentations. We welcome submissions of original research related to “learning and decision making over time to achieve a goal”, coming from any discipline or disciplines, describing empirical results from human, animal or animat experiments, and/or theoretical work, simulations and modeling. Contributions should be aimed at an interdisciplinary audience, but not at the expense of technical excellence. This is an abstract-based meeting, with no published conference proceedings. As such, work that is intended for, or has been submitted to, other conferences or journals is also welcome, provided that the intent of communication to other disciplines is clear.

Note: Authors will be able to decide whether they wish to include the full extended abstract in the (electronic) abstract booklets, or whether they prefer to include only the abstract (without extended materials). In either case the extended abstract is required for submission as it will be used for reviewing.

Please click the following link to access our submission portal:

Submissions should consist of a summary (max 2000 characters; text only), and an extended abstract of between one and four pages (including figures and references). LaTeX and RTF templates, and sample submissions, are available below.

Submissions will be reviewed for relevance to the topic and for quality. Exceptional abstracts will be selected for oral presentations and for poster spotlight presentations.

Submissions are single blind, so author names should appear on submitted PDFs.

LaTex Template: rldmsubmit.sty

LaTex Sample: rldm.tex

Abstract Sample: rldm.pdf

RTF Template: rldm.rtf

A limited number of travel fellowships are available for trainees with accepted posters at the conference. Fellowships provide reimbursements for conference-related costs up to a maximum amount based on geographic location:

  • Europe: up to €500
  • Rest of the world: up to €1,000

Awardees must submit receipts for reimbursement, and only registration, travel, accommodation, and meals can be reimbursed.

To apply, please submit a one-page statement (in PDF format) outlining the following:

  • Your current research interests
  • How attending RLDM will benefit both your research and educational development
  • A breakdown of your estimated expenses related to attending RLDM
  • Any additional information you consider relevant to your application

Applications without a PDF statement will not be considered.

Applications will be evaluated based on research relevance, applicant career stage, abstract quality, balance of topics, and financial need. Travel fellowships aim to support a diverse community of researchers in attending RLDM 2025.

Applications must be attached to abstract submissions and are due: January 15th, 2025 11:59PM PST