Information for presenters


Most talks will be 30 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions (contributed talks are shorter, and two talks that will have an introductory portion are longer).

Please note that the audience will be very interdisciplinary, hailing from computer science, psychology, robotics, neuroscience, control theory, economics and more. You should strive to make your talk accessible to all by minimizing jargon (e.g., acronyms for algorithms, brain areas) and by focusing on ideas that can transcend the specifics of one field of research and inform other fields. Your job is not only to convey new research findings, but also to explain why these are potentially relevant to many areas of research that are interested in reinforcement learning and decision making.

Poster presenters

Poster boards will be 4ftx4ft or 120x120cm, allowing any orientation of your poster. Please note that Landscape orientation usually works better.

Posters will be up for viewing all day, and until midnight (please remove them the next morning). Nevertheless, the 3 hour poster session, scheduled each day from 4:30-7:30pm, is short relative to the large amount of high quality posters that will be presented (71 posters per session). Please plan a brief walk-through (no longer than 5 minutes, preferably 3 minutes) for those wanting to hear the highlights, and a more in-depth presentation for those wanting to dive into the details.

To help divide the time between posters, and to allow you to see posters in your session, odd numbered posters will be viewed from 4:30-6:00pm and even numbered posters will be viewed from 6:00-7:30pm. The list of poster session assignments and poster numbers will be posted here shortly.