Most of the talks at RLDM2013 are invited, with posters being contributed. There will be four contributed talks, including two talks for the best posters. Future meetings will concentrate on contributed talks and posters, tutorial sessions and workshops.
Confirmed speakers for RLDM2013:
Pieter Abbeel
Deanna Barch
Joshua Berke
Drew Bagnell
Andy Barto
Craig Boutiller
Colin Camerer
Anne Churchland
Jonathan Cohen
Roshan Cools
Nathaniel Daw
Thomas Dietterich
Joseph Kable
Alex Kacelnik
Leslie Kaelbling
Rick Lewis
Michael Littman
Shie Mannor
John O’Doherty
Randy O’Reilly
Paul Phillips
Joelle Pineau
Doina Precup
Stefan Schaal
Daphna Shohamy
Rich Sutton
Elke Weber