In making your poster, please resist the temptation to reproduce the whole prose of your abstract on the poster. Short one-line bullet points and/or pictures and graphs will be more effective than full sentences or paragraphs. This holds especially for the high-level motivation. Rather than simply reprinting the abstract in the top left of the poster, try to get it across in a few main points that can be digested from a few feet away. With all the posters to be presented, viewers will need to be able to decide quickly if yours is one that is of interest to them.

Also, please keep in mind that RLDM is an interdisciplinary conference. So please create your poster in such a way that will help you describe why your work matters to someone who works on RLDM from a vastly different perspective (e.g. if you’re a computer scientist motivate why a neuroscientist should care, and a psychologist or biologist should think about why a robotics or computer science RL theorist should care).

We strongly suggest that you use the “new” poster format advocated in this video:

Or if you prefer a more traditional style, here’s a website with some good tips:

Either way, we strongly suggest that you show a draft of your poster to a colleague who is not closely involved in the work to obtain feedback regarding where there is too much or too little detail.


Poster boards are 8 feet wide x 4 feet tall. Your poster can be any size or orientation as long as it is smaller than the board. However, we recommend that your poster does not exceed 6 x 4 feet. 


Here are the two potential locations for printing posters:
However, please be sure to contact each location in advance to ensure that they can print the poster in time, as these locations can get very crowded during the conference.