Invited Speakers

Confirmed speakers:

Kent Berridge, Dept of Psychology, University of Michigan
Jan Peters, Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Dept of Computer Science, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Ece Kamar, Adaptive Systems and Interaction group, Microsoft Research
Michael Frank, Dept of Psychiatry, Brown Institute for Brain Science, Brown University
Uma Karmarkar, Dept of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Sam Gershman, Dept of Psychology, Harvard University
Ron Parr, Dept of Computer Science, Duke University
Yael Niv, Dept of Psychology, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University
Lihong Li, Deep Learning Technology Center, Microsoft Research
Volodymyr Mnih, Deep Mind
Liz Phelps, Dept of Psychology, New York University
Jon How, Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Leah Somerville, Dept of Psychology, Harvard University
Margaret Boden, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Sussex
Anca Dragan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department, UC Berkeley

Confirmed Tutorial speakers:

Matt Botvinick, DeepMind and Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Anne Collins, Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley
Joelle Pineau, Dept of Computer Science, McGill University
John Schulman, OpenAI